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ZRT  BDnf 738  sw/wsa/br

ZRT BDnf 738 sw/wsa/br


Tillig 290648


TT (1:120)

The product is currently available from the manufacturer, possible to order. From placing an order, we need approx. 14 working days to import it and an additional 1-2 days for shipping.

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Artykuł modelarski przeznaczony dla osób powyżej 8 roku życia.

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TEXT_PRODUCT_NAME ZRT BDnf 738 sw/wsa/br (Tillig 290648)
TEXT_PRODUCT_AVAIBILITY Product available from the manufacturer. The processing time is approx. 14days.
Producer Tillig
Catalog number 290648
EAN Code TIL290648
Skala TT (1:120)